Monday, April 2, 2012

Beginning solids

At the beginning of this month I decided that my son was ready for solids. While I know that the recommendation is that you wait till six months I decided that Lincoln was ready. He would watch his father and I when we were eating, stare at food, open his mouth when a spoon would come near it. I decided to try some solids I had bought from the store. I thought that he would probably prefer fruits so that is what I started with. He didn't seem to be a fan at first, which I am guessing is because of the texture. In the beginning he would gag and make his lips so tight I couldn't put the spoon inside. However, I never forced him to eat. If he wouldn't open his mouth after a couple of tries we were done; I let him decide where and when.

In the picture above we are trying broccoli, which from the expression on his face shows me his not a fan. I am guessing that it is because of the bush part of the broccoli which I added in when I make my own baby food ( future post). So far Lincoln has tried: pears and parsnips, peaches, avocado, sweet potatoes, baked butternut squash, apples, broccoli, and papaya.

Leave comments about your adventures of trying new foods or even a photo blast showing your little ones and their cute faces!!


  1. Our pedi said to wait until 5 months for rice cereal, and 6 months for veggies. But my motherly instincts told me she was ready, and I am SO glad I started. Maddie absolutely lobes Squash and Bananas. She screams because Im not feeding her fast enough!

  2. Lincoln's starting to really get the hang of it now. He loves butternut squash, pears and parsnips, apples. We are going to give broccoli another try today we will see how it goes!

  3. I haven't tried veggies yet...I'm not sure if DJ will like them. But he absolutely loves Apples. I've tried potatoes (he doesn't like them)apples, pears, apricot, bananas. I started him at 21weeks with solids but just a little at a time.

  4. It took Lincoln a little while to eat vegetables. I'm not really sure why since I started him on the vegetables. Although I know he prefers fruits he eats veggies now. Once you start him on veggies just keep introducing them to him.. he will start eating them eventually!!
